Monday 29 June 2015

Today, I Became A Cherry Picker!

June 28th at 9:00 am it was 29 degrees and climbing.

We drove up Green Ave., across South Main and then up, up, up an increasingly narrowing road to the U-Pick (cherries).

The farmer lady ushered us through a gate and into the orchard.  That step in was the first I've ever set into an orchard.  She gave us each a bucket (Dakota was with us) and directed us to where we could begin our pick and how not to break off the little brown stem from which the cherry stem grows from.  She also warned to watch for cherries with soft spots and little pinholes.  I didn't ask but I'm assuming worms were getting fill.

The ground was littered with squished fruit and every once in a while the air brought the scent of rotting fruit to your nostrils.

Blair left with a full belly of cherries.
1st I was a little worried about bugs jumping out at me (black widow spiders).  2nd I hadn't yet realized that the hook on the pail is to hang the bucket from a branch to make from easier picking.
Dakota's attempt at camouflage.

We each picked about 1/2 a bucket, which came to $21. 

The farmer gave us instruction on how to freeze them.  From there we went to Canadian Tire and bought an olive/cherry pitting tool and headed over to Dakota and Keaton's apartment to attack the juicy job.  We plan to use them for smoothies, fruit ice and to make cherry Coke!

Unfortunately for our friends who cherry picked last summer and arrive in less than a week, we're told cherry picking season will be over.  With the heat this spring the cherries are weeks ahead of schedule.  The farmer said that pickers came to pick what could be flown out but they were already a week too late for shipping.

Now I'm wishing we had a little freezer that we could fill with fruit and veggies, picked and prepared by our own hands.

I was going to object to going out on this little outing, because of the heat, but I'm glad I didn't.  I survived the heat and possible spider attack and came away with a fresh sense of further embracing a little more of what the Okanagan offer those who partake in it's bounty and beauty.  A reminder of why we want to live here.

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!

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