Sunday 21 June 2015

Poor Charlie Brown...

“Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them.”
― Steve Maraboli

  Life, the Truth, and Being Free 

I wonder if the feeling that we're camping will eventually, maybe without notice, awaken to the reality that this is it.  This is home.

Z is demonstrating stress and anxiety.  I think he's waiting to go back home and he's fearful that when we leave, we're going home without him.

This week we dug out some planters and garden ornaments.  I planted some strawberries, hens & chicks and a couple of palms (to mask our scooters stored under the RV).  I poked in a few solar lights in a few planters and the park beds. 

Friday Dakota and I gave Blair his Father's Day gift (propane fire bowl), hoping we could sit around a fire for the evening.  Unfortunately the wind picked up, so we set out across the park to the Beach House restaurant.  in my opinion they make the best deep fried pickles, we've had in town so far!  I had remembered to get some games from the boys and we played Skip Bo till I was so out of it that I was speaking gibberish.  

Saturday we entertained our first guests Scott & Julie and Dakota & Keaton (Julie, you make the best Greek salad!) this weekend.  The rain held off long enough to enough for us to enjoy our bbq dinner.  When the wind and rain came in, we made our way indoors and I was pleased to see that there was plenty of room for 6 adults, a teen and a dog.

As we were closing everything up for the night, Blair noticed a pool of water on the floor.  We began open cupboards to discover that it was likely coming from the bathroom.  Mads had just had a shower and Blair had some concern about the caulking around the shower base.  One of the joys of purchasing third-hand...We inherit the problems others didn't deal with.  

I did feel a twinge of defeat and thought, 'Oh, come on!  Can't we get a break already!'.  When Blair was having issues with the caulking this morning (his Father's Day), he wanted to "kick something".  I have to give Blair a ton of credit because it seems like we're faced every week with another RV living challenge, that he takes on with the help of the internet.

We'll be needing the shower this week ahead for sure and there will be no need for warm water.  The forecast is 40 degree weather till the end of the month.  I'm real excited (sarcasm) that the air conditioning doesn't seem to make to our bedroom in the RV.  I think we'll be heading up to the storage unit to dig out our Turbo fan.

We're counting down the days till our Alberta friends (Rick & Sue) arrive (July 4 & 5)!  Very sad that we won't have a much time as we've had the past 2 summers, but we're going to make the most of it!  Fruity ice drinks, stories, laughter and maybe even some karaoke (if Sue can control her sign language).

Going to sign off because my feet are no longer in the shade and they're burning!

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!


1 comment:

  1. I never did like charlie brown or his gang too much. During the movie all I could here was "good grief"! Couldn't take it any more!
