Thursday 11 June 2015

Hanging Out Our Dirty Laundry

With a roll of Loonies and some quarters Blair tackled our ever-multiplying mountain of laundry.  No, I have not trained him well.  Blair does do laundry on occasion and sometimes out of necessity.  Yesterday he had a quiet day at home and he was tiered of tripping over the basket in the "hall way".

I did give stern instructions: "Do not throw everything together".

He has no regard for sorting lights and darks.  Our children have inherited this dingy whites gene from their father.  Finally something they can't blame on me!

I am pleased to report that Blair did heed my warning.

The light results were perfect.

Blair warned me that some of the clothes were still "damp".

As I began to pull clothes off the pile, they seemed to be getting damper and um...down right wet.

Trying to save time and Loonies, Blair piled all our darks into one washing machine and then of course, one drier.  Thus, the darks were "a little damp".

After a bar-b-q (so we can actually start cooking meals again) and a water cooler (which will be a drinking water), and skirting (on the RV before the winter) ... I think a portable washing machine and drying rack/s, could save us some coin and frustration (over the shared facilities during the warmer months).

I was checking out amazon and there are a number of different sizes, models and price points for portable washing machines.
Priced between $180 - $400

 A clothes drying rack at Walmart...
On Sale for $5 online.
By the way, I think I forgot to thank my awesome husband...Thank you Blair for doing the laundry.  I know it's a thankless, under appreciated and tedious task - Especially with a teenage daughter.  You are awesome and I love you!

Laundry air dried!

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!

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