Tuesday 2 June 2015

Rude Awakening

I have to start off with making 2 statements...

1)  Blair is and always be my hero!  He fixed the hot water issue!  Tomorrow I can come into work without fear of chasing people away with the stink.
2)  I am extremely grateful for the downpour yesterday!  Nature's wrath can be a blessing.

“I finally figured out that not every crisis can be managed. As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can't protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos.” 
― Susan Elizabeth PhillipsBreathing Room

If there is an emergency situation you do not want me in charge.  As the smoke was clearing, literally and figuratively, Blair reminded me of the time the hose on the washing machine burst and he called home to see what the emergency was.  All he heard was "Call 911!" and "Click".  He made the 5 - 10 minute drive from Nisku, AB to Beaumont, AB in under a minute (well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration).  He was a little upset that he risked his life for a flooding basement.  

Around midnight last night something stirred me from my sleep.  When I opened my eyes I could see a flickering glare on the side of the 5th wheel.  I jumped out of bed and ran to the door, frantically trying to get out of the RV.  I couldn't get out!  Blair said I was yelling, "Fire!" and he had his earplugs in.  I fought with the lock and handle till the door finally opened to reveal awesome flames shooting up into the night sky.  An RV 2 rows over was engulfed.  People seemed to be jumping into action hosing down the other RVs, getting people out, grabbing propane tanks.  I was stunned for a minute and asked if anyone called 911.  No one answered and I tried to run back inside but slipped on the step and fell into the trailer (when Blair tells the story he'll include his own interpretation of my follies.  He says I provided the comedy relief).  Blair starts yelling at me to get in the house before I kill myself.  Still yelling "Fire!  Call 911!",  Blair gives me his phone to call but I can't figure out how to make the phone work.  Blair takes it back and dials, then hands it back to me.  I know we need fire and that we're in the Summerland RV Beach Resort, but I have no idea what my address is - duh!

Everyone is now standing on the street watching the burn and you here a few ask if anyone has called 911.  It seems like it took at least 15 - 20 minutes for the fire trucks to finally arrive.  It didn't take long for them to dose the fire and the show was over.  Time to head back to bed for our beauty sleep.

Someone said that it's been at least 2 years since there was a fire here, like it's something to be proud of.  WAIT...WHAT?!

We came in and realized we needed to make a fire plan right then and there.  Identify all the escape windows,  know how they work and assign a muster place.

I began to doubt our choice to take on this new adventure.  It suddenly felt too risky and dangerous.  We have our 15 year old daughter and Z to try and keep safe.

We've decided to inquire about a lot in Penticton.  It'll cost a little more and we'll have to forsake the nearly beach front perk.  Madison's opinion is that we should stay-put, because this could happen anywhere.  True.  But...I think it's near impossible to ignore the obvious issues and risks with piling RVs almost on top of one another.  At the point of moving in we were very disappointed to discover that we can't put our awning out because there is an incorrectly parked motorhome next door.  The other location offers more property between RV stalls.

As soon as we know if we're rolling on we'll let you know!

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!


  1. quite the second night. It is crazy how the rv's around that one have almost nothing done to them. You would think that all of the ones close would have melted outsides but only 1 has some and another has some of the awning ruined from floating embers landing in them. Crazy night for sure, and yes quite comical thanks to Jennifer. I cant wait to act this out to whoever visits this summer.

  2. Oh, and the drive I did, when I thought you or the kids were in trouble because of the "call 911' and then hang up on me, was exactly 4 minutes. It is a 10 minute drive. That was in a mini van as well. Ah, good times.
