Monday 8 June 2015

The First Week

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."  Walt Disney 
The first week into tiny living has been full of emotions, fatigue, setting up, learning, decisions, and along the way memories that will become treasures.
As previously mentioned we began considering moving our RV after the fire which raised safety concerns for us.  Friday we signed and sealed a 1 yr. lease on a lot at the Barefoot Resort and we'll be having the RV moved into Penticton this coming Friday.  We discovered that Barefoot was introducing RV lots this year, while we were staying in a motel waiting for our RV.  We could have saved ourselves some stress and money if we'd a few extra days to change our plans.  Live and learn, as they say.
The resort offers a restaurant, yurt rental (looks really neat but I think they are quite expensive), tenting sites, washroom and laundry facilities.  Little shops:  hemp, ice-cream, swim suit and market.

Across the highway, directly on the beach is a gym, the above yurt, coffee shop yurt, water activity rentals, stage, fire pits and palapas.

Our lot will look like this.  Over 2000 sq. ft. of space.  Long enough for us to park the 5th wheel, my car and Blair's truck.  They offer free WiFi, cable, water and sewer hookup. 

 I think Z will be most grateful for the green space.  His tender little tootsies on the gravel have been causing him some grief.  He walks across it like they're hot embers.  Poor baby.
It took some searching but we finally found a little counter top ice maker (Walmart $120).  Yes, it takes up valuable real-estate on the less than adequate counter space, but I love it!  We get little bullet shaped ice in about 6 minutes, that will supply our fruity drinks from Blair's margarita machine, this summer. 
 Laundry is an issue!  Yes there are facilities here but it's pay-as-you-go, of course.  It costs $3.25/load, OUCH!  Yesterday I was frustrated when I hauled a basket over in the nearly 40 degree heat, to arrive and have a lady tell me to "get in line".  3 washing machines and she was going to use all of them!  Grrr.  A man next to us told us to buy an RV washer and set up a drying line.  Something to consider.
News from the old abode...Wednesday we received an email letting us know of the memorial for the young lady next to us who struggled with an eating disorder.  She passed the day after we moved out (Friday).  I think she was 23 years old and was literally a walking skeleton.  Over the 2 years we lived there we tried to be very gracious because of her illness and in-capacities, but last summer we did have some conflict with her and her lifestyle of sleeping all day and awake all night.  We're very sad for her family.  I do know that one day we will meet her again and she will be glorious and complete.  Amen!
At church we chatted with the neighbors that were on the other side. On the Saturday after we left, the husband suffered a heart attack.  He'd had surgery and was looking great, considering.  The neat thing about this couple (for Blair and I) is that this winter we came to realize that we were running into them everywhere.  We could be in another town and we'd cross paths.  We've joked that we're stalking them or that we should be carpooling.  Now they are attending our church and I feel confident that God is working something out.
How is our girl doing with all of this?  Actually, quite well.  She's got the most space in the unit and true to her it's a disaster zone, most of the time - proving me wrong, that having less space would give her less room for 'stuff', adding up to less mess.  She's pleased that we'll be back in Penticton.  This weekend she realized that it's a little more difficult to convince your parents to drive you around when you're out of town.
Phew!  This seems like a really long post...
Blair is busy today running around doing tasks that need doing in-order to launch his online business this month.  Z and I are sitting outside in the shade, listening to the birds and the traffic, but we've now losing our shade and the tops of my feet are burning so I guess it's time to head in to the air conditioning (it was 33 degrees at 10 am).
Living Simple to Simply Live.
My drive to work.


  1. Will be nice to have room and grass. Still close to the beach too. And a sandy beach at that, no rocks.

  2. Paula says keep us informed and it sounds wonderful more pictures once your setup please!

  3. Hopefully this new spot has room for your awning to be out. Best wishes on the new move and business venture!
