Saturday 13 June 2015

Breathing Room
The moment we arrived it was like the anxiety that had been building up, drifted away with the gusty wind.  With the stabilizers firmly in place we could sense that now we are where we can begin to put down our roots.  We can take a deep breath and begin again...

At this very moment I'm listening to the chatter coming from the covey of quail right out side the window.  All day they and Killdeer have been scurrying about.  I love it!

Also love that the helicopter took a day off!  We're right beside the airport.

Our shelter, our own patch of green, our own parking, our home...
I think they've done a very nice job of sprucing up this once rundown trailer park.  A challenge for me will be backing in without hitting a post and wiping out these wonderful little rock gardens.  Did I mention I backed into Blair's truck last week?  Ugh!  Even with a backup camera and alarm...

There's quite a bit of room behind the RV and we're in discussion about possible a little deck, sunshade, or a place to sit around a fire bowl.  All of which will very likely get put on hold until next year.
This morning Blair's mission was to get a bar-b-q...And then put it together!  Keaton came over and we had our first home cooked meal in weeks.  Our poor girl will have to wait a little longer, she just got a mouth full of metal and feels like her teeth are all going to fall out.  Those pork chops, boiling potatoes and salad have never tasted so good!

Tents have been popping up on the center grounds all day.  Yet all remains peaceful.
Tomorrow we will hunt down the grounds manager and get ourselves one of the nice new picnic tables.  I might see if there's anything left for flowers in the garden centers and add some color and hominess to our lot.  We also need to dig through the storage unit and find the toaster, Magic Bullet, cutlery, beach towels...Our creature comforts.

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!

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