Monday 1 June 2015

Happy Campers!

“It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.” - Dave Barry

In the past many of our camping adventures have been cursed with stitches, pneumonia, driving home in the middle of the night, and rain-outs...

Here I sit typing this post in our new home, a 36 ft. 5th wheel, just beginning the adventure of camping 24/7 for at least 365 days...And, guess what?

We just had a tropical storm pass over!

Currently the humidity in here is about 100%.  Hot and sticky makes us the happiest of campers!

I guess we shouldn't be bothered that our hot water heater isn't producing. 

LOL...Blair was just showing me his reaction to his icy shower. 

I have to work tomorrow, so I might have to brave it.

The important things we need to remember are:

- We're here!  Together with a roof over our heads that isn't leaking (unlike every tent we've ever tried).
- Z is part of our family!  The poor guy is having the hardest time adjusting.  He whines, cries and wails when one of his pack even looks like their leaving.  We may have to look into doggy daycare till he adjusts, so he doesn't get us booted out.
- There are 4 places to watch TV!  No fights on rain days.
- Our home is on wheels!  Just hook up and go!

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!


1 comment:

  1. I figured out the hot water. Warm shower tonight!
