Tuesday 11 August 2015

Sarah Richardson...I NEED YOU!!!


Sarah is my favorite designer when it comes to designing and decorating cottages.  She approaches cottage life decor with functionality and a light, airy character that I appreciate. When it comes to pulling colors, fabrics, patterns, textures and every other element required to pull a space together, she makes it look like a breeze.

Walking through the fabric store trying to make-believe I'm the fun, adorable Mrs. Richards, pulling together colors, textures and patterns...I give myself a headache.  Every time I stand looking at the rainbow of paint chips in Rona, I second-guess my previous color combination, that was a second-guess from my first mix-and-match.  Ugh!  Can you hear Blair groaning?

The only thing we've really settled on is the laminate flooring.  Fingers crossed it's still available when we're finally ready and able to install.

We've accomplished painting the kitchen cabinets a safe off white.  We reused the original hardware.  We plan to add a stone back-splash, too.

The one thing I knew from the minute we moved in was that I wanted to rip out the bench seating and table.  I wanted to replace it with an actual table and chairs.  Unfortunately, when Blair started taking it apart my plan came to a disappointing halt.  A power box and a high risk of overwhelming damage to the walls has changed the plan to paint, recover cushions and making a new table top.

IF we're able to get the love seat/bed through the RV door, it'll be on it's way OUT!  It's the biggest and most uncomfortable piece in our tiny space.  It looks like we may replace it with a pair of chairs from IKEA.  Parting with the klunky couch means that we'll lose some valuable storage that it provided in the form of a large drawer for the sofas air mattress.  We're open to helpful suggestion...Sarah???
The second elephant in the room is Z's kennel.  We normally keep it outside and bring it in when we're going out.  A bit of a pain.  Old man Z has previously had some back issues and he's supposed to refrain from jumping up on furniture, but jumping up on the bed to sleep with mom and dad is too tempting to resist.  Mom and dad think we've done our time with kids in the bed and perhaps it's time for Z to sleep in his own bed.  We've no practical solution yet for the inconvenience of dragging the kennel in and out of the RV.
Sarah Richardson, HELP!  
Living Simple to Simply LIVE!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Little Space, Little Renos

 Warning:  Renovations In Progress!!!

I'm a bit of a home design show addict.  I've seen Mike Holmes and his Carhartts.  I've walked past Peter Falicco and thought to myself, 'geez, that guy looks grumpy' and then did a double take realizing who the grumpy guy was.  Friends recently gave me a ball cap signed by Bryan Baeumler (Another HGTV star) - Excited me!  Back in the day of Trading Spaces, I was almost as equally fan-atical as I am about H5-0 today.  My favorite was  designers were Frank and Vern Yip.  I was so excited to see Vern in person at a home & garden show.

*One of the best Birthday gifts I've ever received was when my husband and a group of friends conspired to give me the Trading Spaces Experience.  For weeks they'd been secretly going into our house and our ugly pink bedroom to take measurements, pick colors, flooring, etc.  A cold December morning when our door bell rang and I saw a crowd out on our drive, I slammed the door shut.  What was going on?!  They entered and I had no control over what was going to happen in the Master Bedroom.  It was a crazy fun experience that included homework, the flu, reveal and I even slipped away with the video camera to do a private interview.  Blair and I were given a beautiful new bedroom and this will be one of my favorite life long memories.

(*In the running for this past Birthday, that Blair and Mr. & Mrs. Rozon surprised me on the trip to Vegas.)

Our last two homes have been new and just putting the first nail in the wall to hang a picture was hard for me.  It seemed that just before we'd decide to sell, I'd just begin to feel comfortable about putting my personal touches on the walls.

A small reason for us buying a used RV, was so that we could feel free to 'make it our own'.  Obviously there's not a lot of space to tackle but already it seems like small space is going to be the biggest challenge for us.  We're going to have to pick small projecst one at a time.  We're starting with the kitchen and already just taking off the cupboard doors is a little too much for Blair.

I'm surprised by how nervous I am about transforming our tiny home.  I've got it so ingrained in me to keep in mind re-sale, that it's hard to really get creative and comfortable with our/my design choices.  Already, we've run into disappointment with our dinning area but I'll get to that in another post...

I'll keep you posted as we make progress.  Wish us luck!

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!