Tuesday 26 May 2015

Why Tiny Living?

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." -Confucius

Why would a family consider selling their lovely new home to pack all their belongings into storage, and move themselves into a 36 foot long 5th wheel?

Here's why...

1)  We love the Okanagan!   Mild winters, early springs, hot summers and long falls.  2 lakes and most of us are attracted to the beaches.  Picturesque beauty literally surrounds us.  Festivals. Vineyards.  Orchards.  Vees hockey.  Need I say more, because trust me I can go on.

2)  It's about as close as we can get to a dream of living on a waterfront.  The community sits on the west shore of Lake Okanagan, with it's own beach.  A hop, skip and a jump, and Blair can dive in!

2)  Blair has been out of work for almost 6 months.  He decided not to return to the Alberta oil industry, after a family emergency.  The 5 year plan has been drastically cut.

3)  The job market pretty much sucks here.  It's near impossible to get full-time employment. There's really no work in Blair's field and I'm working part-time at the church.  Needing to stretch the dollar.

4)  Ever since we moved here Blair has been talking about 'recreating himself'.  With tourism being huge here, he has an idea to tap into it and start his own business.  Through a program called Community Futures he has been working through developing a business plan.  He tries to wait patiently for a decision regarding the program approval.  After which he decides if he's going to run with it.            

5)  I need Blair here to share in the parenting our struggling teenage daughter.

6)  Life: Circumstances, situations, finances, stress and pressures require creativity, sacrifices, an evaluation of priorities, faith and prayer...Steps towards simplifying life.
Simple Living to Simply LIVE!

Life Renovation = Blog Renovation

Dear Readers - The demand has not been great, but there are a few of you who have suggested I blog about our new adventure.  Here's to refreshing the look of the blog and fresh new posts on the way.  If I get brave enough I might even include a "Vlog" (that's a video blog, for those of you who are wondering) once in a while.  I always welcome and appreciate your feedback & questions.  Enjoy!

"The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." - Socrates

Living Simple to Simply LIVE!